As you may see on my web page, there is a lady who has an 'implant' in the
pituitary cavity in the middle of her brain. This lady is suffering badly
each and every day because of this. She lives only a 2 hour drive from me
I have tried to interest film makers here in Australia, but they are waiting
for financial grant monies before they can produce a program.

She has been in a coma state a few times through her life, and personally
feels that the 'implant' is not 'Alien', but Earth based technology.

She has approved my assistance to open up and tell her story. But I need
assistance. This is a World exclusive for whoever can help put it together.
The proof of 'implants' is in the x-rays. (she has more than one)

She was refused medical explanations and x-ray results.
I sent a e-mail to an Australian Government Dept. " The Office for the
Status of Woman". I explained that Women within Australia are claiming to
have been abducted by an Alien race of people, and being medically examined,
some reporting pregnancies where the fetus is later removed. Basically,
their privacy is being invaded and the medical profession do not want to
hear about it or offer assistance. Some Doctors even 'lock up' their
patients in institutions and sedate them on drugs. I could name the Doctors
and institutions if they cared to follow this up. I did not receive a reply
from them.
They obviously passed on that e-mail to the appropriate Gov. people because
a couple of weeks later, the 'implant lady' received the x-rays she was
previously refused in the mail, sent to her private address, not to her
doctor as which is the usual practice.

But, the x-rays were not hers. They were of a man. This is obvious by
looking at the profile of the full head x-ray. We had this confirmed by an
independent doctor. I smell a conspiracy. 

One specialist doctors' assistant advised us that he has TWO OTHER LADIES
with this complaint. What is really going on?

According to her original x-rays, she also has an 'active implant' in her
left hand. She is willing to have this surgically removed and examined
scientifically. But this should be part of her story recorded on film.

Time is running out. We want this story told NOW!!

I intend to tell this story in a future book of mine, but it needs to be on

If you can assist or advise us on this important matter, please contact me

Barry Taylor.

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